L.E.O.F.F. (Law Enforcement Officers & Fire Fighters Ministry)
Support Anchored International Relief
The purpose of the Law Enforcement Officers & Firefighters fellowship is to provide a forum to encourage and strengthen those of us in the public safety community. In our profession finding a solid stance on which it stand is a matter of survival in the field. In our lives we need that just as much. We need the rock that will weather any storm and that is found only in Jesus (Matthew 7:24). We will do this through providing in-person and online teaching, devotionals and seminars. We will also be a resource for those needing help with PTSD or other resources. We have certified CISM chaplains that stand ready to help in time of need either in person, online or by telephone.
L.E.O.F.F. (Law Enforcement Officers & Fire Fighters Ministry)
United States
“Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.”
Matthew 5:9
L.E.O.F.F. Mission
The purpose of the Law Enforcement Officers & Firefighters fellowship is to provide a forum to encourage and strengthen those of us in the public safety community. In our profession finding a solid stance on which it stand is a matter of survival in the field. In our lives we need that just as much. We need the rock that will weather any storm and that is found only in Jesus (Matthew 7:24). We will do this through providing in-person and online teaching, devotionals and seminars. We will also be a resource for those needing help with PTSD or other resources. We have certified CISM chaplains that stand ready to help in time of need either in person, online or by telephone.
Pastor Gary I. Kusunoki
Police Lieutenant (Ret.) San Clemente Police Department