Showing the Love of Christ to a Hopeless and Dying World

NEPAL 2025

Join us for a “vacation with a purpose” you will never forget. We are assembling a team to go to Nepal and work amongst the world’s poorest of the poor. Trip is April 26 – May 10, 2025. Sign up by clicking on the link below.

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Anchoring the lost

Anchored International Relief is a faith based non-governmental organization that is dedicated to showing the love of Christ to a hopeless and dying world. We are committed to demonstrating that love in tangible ways through the giving of assistance, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Anchored International Relief is working in the poorest nations of the world such as Uganda, Mexico, Philippines, and Nepal to provide hope to the hopeless. Through feeding programs, health education, aquaculture projects, and medical intervention, we desire to improve the health and well-being of our constituents. We are committed to going wherever the need presents itself and are focused on ministering in hard to reach or difficult areas and situations.

Our values

The Lord at work

We run projects in over 30 countries in 5 contintents

Change a life today

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” Acts 1:8